Monthly Archives: June 2013


y1p1DEnijtZafK23gnKlSRMIr3-di1pUqgQKTOHxdGKMd_F11HZoQnv6179LKtiOgQVz7obfwMSXwA6N62yBMwqLQWe I’m off on a Stag do for a couple of days so there will be no posts till Sunday (also the name of my favourite Beasties Boy song). So to tide you over I have posted 40 of the greatest minutes of your life. If you have never seen Italian Spiderman then sit back and enjoy the roller-coaster ride that it is. If you have seen the “Best of”, do yourself a favour and watch the whole thing!

Its bellow, enjoy…

Till probably Sunday,


Top 5 Street Fighter Memes

Seen a few belting Street Fighter videos and memes recently and after buying Marvel Vs Capcom I thought I would look at the best Street Fighter memes going.


5. Real Life Bonus round!

4. The inner workings of Zangiefs mind.


3. Cats

2. Some Guile Acapella

1. And lastly Blanka being a total dick

Short and sweet. Still none of them stand up to Van Damme.


And on that note,

till next time,


Body Art

product_brain_cbam101Morning all. When looking around the interwebs this morning I came across something a little bit different. There is a scientific glass company in the US called Farlow Scientific Glassblowing INC who have found a new use for their glass shaping skills. They have started to make glass models of human insides to use as a teaching aid in classrooms. These things are stunning. I mean the brain is amazing look at it! its like there —> How amazing is it that someone could even think, “tell you what, I tired of making valves and test tubes. You think I could make a human brain from glass?”. Just look at the detail, I mean I’m brain surgeon but if I was training to be one surely this would be an amazing tool. The full website is here Check out the below.

Sinus Model:


Full body:


Also there is models of Aneurysm’s to be used for medical training.

On the same note I found this website . Basically loads of different plus body insides for sale. Think the smiling eyeball is my favourite!



Till next time


The Dangers of Grass

imagesSo apparently grass is now the most deadly factor in sport, ever. Everyone that has ever tried to play a sport on grass will know the risks of physical activity on the stuff. You can take your concrete basketball courts or ice rinks, no danger there. Real fear is playing a non contact sport on slightly damp grass, laid on soft ground.

Right that sound stupid I know but watching the BBC’s coverage of Wimbledon you would be mistaken for thinking the players were going out and playing in the kind of pearl you could only create by replacing the ball with a grenade (On a side note, did anyone ever play Sensible Soccer on WWII mode where the ball was a grenade? Was brilliant, used Cannon fonder animation as well. Ace, but I digress). The story is that 7 players have been injured today at the tennis festival and has left about three players in the tournament.  Surprisingly, the main issue is apparently the grass being  possessed somehow? One of the players even blamed it on dead grass. That right, zombie grass. In its eternal moaning for roots its been tripping the players.

Its not like the beeb to blow a British sporting even all out of context (the Olympics, Any England football match). They get really defensive as if these players and sullying the good name of Britain while at the same time trying not to piss off the same players that are moaning. Its like a dog chasing its tail watching them talk about it. The only words of sense I have heard are from Hewitt, a man who the commentators slagged every two second in his last game for being Australian, who basically said “its the same as every year, deal with it” (I’m paraphrasing here) and “Mad as a Hatter” Boris Beaker who said “its grass, it sometimes gets slippy. You are pro’s, deal with it” (again paraphrasing).

So the only why to sort this out is to play week two on ice so tennis players will work out what slippery actually mean (and it would be bloody hilarious) . I’m sure all of injuries are genuine and its sad for them to be out of a big part of their lives but it’s probably from playing a sport where a match can last four hours, on rock hard surfaces that have caused these complications and not that the courts are sponsored by Tefal this year.

Anyway, man up tennis.


Pure Daft

o-PETER-SERAFINOWICZ-GET-LUCKY-DAFT-PUNK-facebookEvery time you walk into shop or turn on the radio this summer it has been wall to wall “Get Lucky” by Daft Punk. It’s by no means a terrible song and the video having Peter Serafinowicz in it means I have probably watched/hear the song more than I would have.

Anyway, there have been two versions hammering around the internet lately which I think are pretty good.  First up it a remixed version which goes through every era of music from the 20’s. Pretty interesting and a quick fire blast through musical history for any kid out there.


Next up is the old US President Barack giving it a bit of the karaoke treatment during press conferences and public addresses. He should probably stick to issues but this is the kinda thing that makes him pretty cool.

Still my favourite bit of Obamary is when he became a ninja for a day. Enjoy.

Till next time



So in one last attempt to keep the site ticking over I’m going to change ethos a little. So I am going to attempt more short post with mini insights and hopefully at least one every day. Maybe. So smaller, better, faster, harder, smoother, eh….., rounder?…. that will do.

So making post smaller shouldn’t make things worse (hopefully!). I mean twitter can do it in like 4 1/2 characters so surely I can do something in a couple of hundred.

Talking of this, check out this mini fiction page on Twitter. Very Short Story is a page where you can read tip-top fiction in the standard 140 character stylee of everyone’s favourite “I’m watching telly” alert system. Do something decent and read this stuff on the bus. It’s really pretty good for its size!  Follow using this linkage @VeryShortStory



Until next time,
